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PKSA Karate?

PKSA stands for Professional
Karate Schools of America.
It's not about the blocks, the kicks
or the punches. It's about giving kids and families the skills that will make
a difference in their lives.
We do this through an experience that is safe, challenging and fun all along your Journey to Black Belt.
What PKSA can do for you...

PKSA Karate specializes in helping students with:
- Individual Character
- Integrity
- Respect for Others
- Relieving Stress
- Reducing Anxiety
- Self-Confidence
- Discipline
- Self-Esteem
- Encouragement
- Fitness
Who is PKSA for?

PKSA Karate is for people of all ages,
starting as early as preschool,
regardless of fitness level.
Families that train together,
stay together!
Have you ever thought about doing something positive and life-changing together with your
child or as a family?
You will form a special bond with your child as you work toward achieving your Black Belt together.

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