About Our Tiny Tigers Program ages 2-3yrs

The Tiny Tigers Program focuses on exposing 2 and 3yr old’s to a classroom setting and helping them to begin learning basic motor skills, listening, and focus skills.
Tiny Tigers learn how to work with others and follow directions from their instructors, which will in turn help them to become better listeners at home.
Our program will enhance positive development in a fun and motivational way.
As the students progress through the program, they will be introduced to begin utilizing the same curriculum that our Little Ninjas go through, which will prepare them for their graduation into the Little Ninjas Program.

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The Little Ninjas Program focuses on improving basic motor skills, listening, and focus skills. Little Ninjas will learn how to work with others and follow directions from their instructors, which will in turn help them to become better students at school and better listeners at home. Our program will enhance positive development in a fun and motivational way.
PKSA Karate believes that the time between the ages of 4 and 6 are the most important years of a child's development both mentally
and physically. Our curriculum is geared to help them to further develop their gross motor skills and start working on their fine motor skills. All our Little Ninja Instructors are good role models who are trained to work with preschool-aged children. We make learning fun and educational by incorporating games into each of our classes.
Our goal is to help your child to be the best they can be at everything they put their mind to. The Little Ninjas Program utilizes the same martial arts lessons as do the 7 & Up group, modified to their learning ability and age.
Basic Actions, Forms, Self-Defense, & Stranger Awareness
Focus, Memory, Teamwork, Discipline, Control, Fitness, Balance,
and Coordination

The Ranking System for Little Ninjas is similar to the 7 & Up program with a different color stripe or belt representing each rank. Ninjas are able test for their next rank every 3 months. Testing and Promotions are held at each individual PKSA school. All testings are performed in front of a Master and an Official PKSA Testing Board member.
Our Little Ninjas Program has a competition division at all PKSA Tournaments just for them. While learning to compete with their forms, breaking, and bo-staff, they will also learn and understand fairness, respect, and honor when it comes to competing at any of the three PKSA Karate Tournaments held throughout the year.
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About Our Youth & Adults Program ages 7yrs and up
Teens and adults today are under more stress than ever and too often our responsibilities can lead to a sedentary lifestyle that creates health issues as we get older. Martial arts training is ideal for adults of all ages who are focused on improving self-confidence, discipline, self-esteem, and respect. Students learn awareness, prevention, and effective techniques to keep themselves safe. The best part is the fun and exciting atmosphere in our schools. We incorporate games and activities to make learning fun and keep students engaged and interested.
PKSA Karate is for preschool and older at all fitness levels. School-aged students train in belt rank classes, and we have a program designed specifically for preschool-aged children called Little Ninjas.

Our schools provide a safe environment for children and families to train together. Curriculum is taught by belt rank in a way that is appropriate to age and gender.
We encourage parents and siblings to jump in, participate and receive the same mental and physical benefits as other students. Our classes provide the ideal opportunity to stay connected and involved with your children as they grow.
Have you ever thought about doing something positive and
life-changing together with your child or as a family? This is it! You will form a special bond with your child as you move towards a common goal of one day achieving a Black Belt.
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